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Chiefs, Chieftains and Representatives
Scotland's STV reported, "The Gathering 2009 will see the greatest gathering of clanfolk ever held in Scotland in an event which will organisers say will set a benchmark for years to come. Around 125 clans and family societies will be represented in this massive and truly historic event in Scotland?s capital, with chiefs from all over the world meeting for the first time in the shadow of its ancient castle. There, in the heart of the city, the clans will form a temporary village where locals and visitors can meet some of the 85 clan chiefs attending and mingle with some of the more famous members of the old families. The significance of this gathering should not be overlooked; this is perhaps the purest distillation of the Scottish government's much heralded Homecoming year, with all the bloodlines of the nation drawing together peacefully for the first time in history. To this end, the first ever Clan Convention will be convened at the Parliament on the Friday before the Gathering, where 400 chiefs, clan commanders and leading clan representatives will meet to discuss the role of the clan in the 21st century. Organizers say the public meet-and-greet and the high profile highland games could act as a huge promotion for the ageing, or in some cases near extinct, clan networks in Scotland.''
Here is a view of the Village of the Clans as seen from a path around Arthur's Seat.

Tents in the Clan Village were arranged (somewhat) in alphabetical order. During the two days I tried to visit every tent and take a photo of the clan representative. I learned that a chief wore three feathers, a chieftain wore two feathers, and a family member or commissioner might wear one feather. On Saturday, particularly, chiefs were frequently called to meetings and presentations, so it was difficult to obtain an accurate count of how many chiefs were at the village. I'll identify these photos of Clan Chiefs, Chieftains, Commissioners or Representatives in terms of their CLANS.
We were unable to take a picture at the Clan Leslie tent due to a Clan Gunn - Maori Hapu ceremony. Fortunately, a photo of Bob Cameron with Acting Chief, the Honourable Alex Leslie, was printed in the September issue of the Clan Leslie newsletter. [The acting chief may be seen at the Clan Leslie tent during the aforementioned ceremony.]
For some reason, the next two photographs were not identified. Perhaps some sleuth out there can provide some identification.