We had already toured the Royal Yacht in 2001 while we visited Edinburgh with the Canadian Massed Pipes and Drums Band, so we skipped that optional tour. Prince Andrew was in residence at the Palace, so it was closed to the public. The Edinburgh Military Tattoo is scheduled in August. Still, there is plenty to do and plenty to see.

Various brochures stated that the FSA Scot offices were in the Royal Museum of Scotland on Chambers Street. There were few warnings that some maps of Edinburgh could lead one on wild goose chases. Also, the gent at the museum desk thought that we wanted to see one of the Society's programmes, and told me to proceed down the left side of the museum. When we returned to his desk, Doug specified that he wished to pay his fees as a FSA Scot. He placed a phonecall to Jacquie, who said that she would come down to the desk. Several minutes later Jacqueline Clubby, Administrator of the society staff, arrived and enquired if we would like to visit the offices. What an honour!

One of the 3,500 Fellows had arrived in person to take advantage of the President's letter of invitation - - - "We are always happy to hear from Fellows in the office, either by calling in person or on the phone, but please do bear in mind that we have only a small staff, all of whom work part-time, so the office is not staffed all day every day." How lucky can one get! Jacqueline led us to the right side in the museum on a walk which eventually led to the back past a fire exit and up a stairs to another hall towards the Society Library on the second floor, where we puffed our way up another flight of stairs to another hall with the society's offices. (Doug asked Jacquie how many times per day she made this climb to her office, and she replied that it would be twice if she brought her lunch. He apologized for adding a couple of more trips with our visit.) At the end of this hall, we were introduced to Simon Gilmour, Director of the society staff.

Following a brief conversation with both Jacquie and Simon about the Society which was founded in 1780, the Director noted that the Society had been incorporated by a Royal Charter in 1783. Upon making this statement, he went over to the wall and pulled a cord which opened velvet curtains to reveal the original Royal Charter. Doug asked if Jacquie and Simon would stand on either side for a photo opportunity.


This pub had become one of our favourite spots during our 2001 trip to Edinburgh. It was essential that we return for some mouth-watering fish and chips (meaning french-fries). The first photo shows brass plates which mark the gate which once stood at the entrance to the Old Town. In the third photo, part of World's End Close is visible to the right. A "close" is an alleyway.

This longest-running Scottish dinner show was described as an optional Scottish evening with Highland dancers, bagpipers (actually only one unless you count the singers), and the Ceremony of the Haggis. The master of ceremonies was Jamie (Bill Torrance).

As advertised, the evening included "a four course meal (with choices and all the wine you can drink)". It was also a perfect photo opportunity for members of our tour group.