Further along the road, one finds the Brig O' Doon House established in 1827. The real Brig O' Doon has very little to do with the popular 1947 Broadway musical,
Brigadoon, of the late 1940's except as an imaginary location probably based upon this well-known landmark in the heart of Robbie Burns country. However, in the tale made famous by Burns, this ancient, single span bridge over the Doon River, constructed of stone in the 13th century, is the very one over which the legendary Tam o' Shanter fled on his horse Meg in order to escape from the three witches who were chasing him.

The next series of photos shows the cottage where Robert Burns was born. The garden would have been typical for his time, as well as the space for the chickens. The pictures taken inside show a living/reading room, a sleeping area, a place for the household chores, and a shelter for some animals and tools.
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