Immediately after the ceremonies and tour of Scone Palace, the buses took us to a Civic Reception and parade in Perth. There was little opportunity to tour the city, but we observed that the band attracted the largest crowd on the tour thus far. Many of our group arranged to return on a free day. [Perth, Ontario, is twinned with this city. Natives of both cities say "Pair-th"]
Our tour took us through Perth a few more times, and Pat managed to take this pretty picture from the bus as we crossed the Tay River on our return from Blairgowrie.
Many, including ourselves, toured the Black Watch museum located right beside the parking lot for the buses. A model of a uniformed soldier stands beside the entrance. Beside the parking lot, stands a memorial plaque recording the motto of all Highland Regiments ... "Nemo Me Impune Lacesset" or "No One Harms Me With Impunity".
Balhousie is not a true castle, but the manor was built around a 16th century towerhouse in 1860. Later, it became the regimental headquarters and museum of the Black Watch. The word for black is dhu, but it also means "hidden" or "covert". Memorabilia from the 42nd Royal Highland Regiment of Canada are displayed in one of the rooms.