For those who thought that I had run out of peeves back in 1999, think again. There are plenty to go around, and I am quite willing to share a few. Back in 1999, many of us were dreaming of a peaceful, problem-free millennium. Dream on! Some rotten apple always finds a way to upset the applecart.
Aye, 2008 and 2009 appear to be "vintage years"!
A Coffee Break]
It appears that Tim Hortons is moving its head offices back to Canada to obtain a better tax break than in the USA. In June, the company announced that it would also begin to accept Master Card and eventually others. Too late, Tiny Tim, you have already lost my business.

On a trip from Toronto to Cape Breton on the Trans-Canada Highway in 2008, my pet peeve was the fact that my CIBC debit card, which takes about 10 seconds to use, was refused at the Tim "what's-his-name" shops. Their rule was AMERICAN EXPRESS cards only. Phffffft!!! The Shell gas stations, which seemed to be associated with the Tim shops, had no trouble accepting my bank's debit cards or my CIBC VISA!

The CAA seems to prefer Petrocan gas stations for their points system, so this also became my preferred stop on Canada's main highway. Whatever eatery is associated with them is very suitable as well. Tim's battery acid slop is not on my list of favourite beverages . . . no matter what changes they have planned for the future. I have learned from my past experiences. May the Tim shops fail completely!